Adam Hambrick
Location: Conway, AR
"Fighting From the Ground" is a concept Adam Hambrick has become familiar with over the last couple of years. After musically meandering through his college years unsure of where to go with his sound, Hambrick found himself 2 years out of school thinking that he should be somewhere by now... and maybe he should. Regrets of time ill-invested during those college years washed over him in 2009 as he began working on new material. That work rarely yielded anything but frustration as he came to the realization that his busyness and social ADD had left him musically empty-handed after a period of life where many artists begin to discover themselves. He found himself at a disadvantage if indeed he wanted to play/write music with any reasonable level of excellence. He was now Fighting From the Ground. Calling on his lyrical prowess and smooth vocal, this album is Adam starting over. No self-important groanings in this song cycle, just catchy melodies, honest words, and a great cast of accompanying players.
"Fighting From the Ground" is a concept Adam Hambrick has become familiar with over the last couple of years. After musically meandering through his college years unsure of where to go with his sound, Hambrick found himself 2 years out of school thinking that he should be somewhere by now... and maybe he should. Regrets of time ill-invested during those college years washed over him in 2009 as he began working on new material. That work rarely yielded anything but frustration as he came to the realization that his busyness and social ADD had left him musically empty-handed after a period of life where many artists begin to discover themselves. He found himself at a disadvantage if indeed he wanted to play/write music with any reasonable level of excellence. He was now Fighting From the Ground. Calling on his lyrical prowess and smooth vocal, this album is Adam starting over. No self-important groanings in this song cycle, just catchy melodies, honest words, and a great cast of accompanying players.